
quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2022

🕵🏾👉🏾💂🏾ACT NOW!

🕵🏾👉🏾💂🏾Let`s do it right! 
There are only two ways to sort out the problem: Or you prosecuting me or you pay for the damage and respective consequences in my life, of your legally doubtful permanent actions throughout a decade. "HUGE DAMAGE - YOU SAID..." AND ALL DAMAGES REQUIRE FAIR PECUNIARY COMPENSATION - IN MY OPINION. Otherwise... 👉🏾Gentlemen don`t need to go so far.
I am sure that it`s not enough saying; "from today you are allowed to work in the UK and make your life normally"!😊

I believe in God.
My God is Three in One!

Blufondam, um Humanista e Crente em Deus, Preocupado com Fraternidade Humana, Fauna, Flora e a Mae Natureza.🤝👣💖🏝🙏👍

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