
domingo, 9 de fevereiro de 2025


Good Morning Guinea-Bissau Internacional

Dear President and the Government Team,

A new title has arisen in Blufondam: "Good Morning Guinea-Bissau Internacional". 

This message serves as a reminder of the critical importance of ensuring that elections are appointed only after the Justice Department has provided clarification regarding the $6 billion FCFA and other attacks against public funds and patrimonies.

It is essential not to engage in discussions or respond to provocations regarding the timing of the new election in the country. Instead, we must concentrate our focus on supporting the Justice Department’s work to make it more effective, allowing it to produce results as quickly as possible.

This moment presents an opportunity for self-improvement in your duties and for inspiring those around you. You deserve more time in power because you have demonstrated commitment to the spirit and suffering of the people—children, young people, and women. Your dedication is evident in the work you are doing.

I am particularly pleased to see the reduction in palace religious activities, as well as the decrease in violence. The efforts of the journalists' organization and other initiatives are contributing significantly to reducing the most common sources of conflict and violence in our society. These are commendable steps forward.

Stay firm and unshakeable. Remain conscious and focused amidst the noisy election claims. Do not ignore these claims, but instead, question whether it is unreasonable to wait for the Justice Department’s outcome before dismantling the Assembly and Government. At the right time, everyone should stand in defense of public patrimony and responsible governance.


Let us honor this moment in Blufondam, in recognition of the Cabral, Septimio, and Soares Centenaries.

Thank you for your continued dedication.

🕵🏿‍♂️straight to IMF & World Bank - Financial Sustainability.

Blufondam, um Humanista e Crente em Deus, Preocupado com Fraternidade Humana, Fauna, Flora e a Mae Natureza.🤝👣💖🏝🙏👍

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